ジャンル 政治学・国際関係論 |
One Asia Foundation: Seven Years of Progress 2009-2016
Edited by One Asia Foundation : Seven years of Progress' Compilation Committee
2017年8月発行 |
「ワンアジアコンベンション」には,「アジア共同体講座」で講師を務めた大学教授等約600名が集い,交流とネットワークの緻密化を図っている。 |
Chapter 1 Establishment of the One Asia Foundation and its
1 Perspectives on the Asian Community
1.1 Beyond nation-states
1.2 Approaching an Asian Community
2 The Establishment and Objectives of the Foundation
2.1 Foundation basic funds
2.2 Foundation objectives
2.3 Business conducted by the Foundation
2.4 Basic Vision of the One Asia Foundation
2.5 Principles of Action of the One Asia Foundation
2.6 Directors, Auditors and Councilors
2.7 Advisors
3 The Asian Community Course
3.1 Concept of the Asian Community Course
3.2 Activities based on human intelligence and trust in the future
3.3 Characteristics of the Asian Community Course
3.4 Spread of the Foundation’s activities
3.5 Looking to the future
Chapter 2 Progression of the One Asia Foundation
1 Topics for 2009
1.1 Establishment of the Foundation and its Objective
2 Topics for 2010
2.1 Establishment of the Executive Office and the concept of an Asian Community
2.2 Lecture at the Korean National Open University
2.3 Offering Asian Community courses in Japan
2.4 Why omnibus lessons were used for the Asian Community course
2.5 Forerunners to network construction
2.6 Promotion of international exchange grants
2.7 Progress of the AECF and the Incheon Convention
2.8 First course approved by the Board of Directors
2.9 Initial situation of course establishment in Japan
3 Topics for 2011
3.1 Aiming to establish more courses at universities in Japan
3.2 Effect of the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake
3.3 Decision of the Visitations to Central Asia
3.4 Visitations to Central Asia
3.5 Proposal for a convention
3.6 Tokyo Convention
3.7 Offering Asian Community courses in South Korea
3.8 Expansion of course establishment due to the Tokyo Convention
3.9 Courses in countries and regions other than Japan and South Korea
3.10 Asian Community course book publication
3.11 Keynote speech at the Asia Economic Community Forum 2011
4 Topics for 2012
4.1 Establishing courses in new countries and regions
4.2 Formulation of grant courses
4.3 Incheon Convention
5 Topics for 2013
5.1 Decision to hold a Convention in Bandung
5.2 Convention held at the Asia-Africa Conference venue
5.3 Bandung Convention and the Joint Declaration
5.4 Features of the Bandung Convention
5.5 After the Regional Convention
5.6 Establishment of the Hong Kong Office
5.7 Offering Asian Community Courses in Sri Lanka and Russia
5.8 Cross-system Asian Community Courses
5.9 Establishment of the Asia Community Research Center
6 Topics for 2014
6.1 Standardization of the Asian Community Course
6.2 Reaction of universities to standardizing the course
6.3 Lesson content changed at universities with permanent courses
6.4 Course establishment in new countries and regions (2014)
6.5 Jeju Convention
7 Topics for 2015
7.1 Offering Asian Community courses in non-Asian countries and regions
8 Topics for 2016
9 Status of course establishment as of April 2017 and the prospects for the
Chapter 3 Asian Community Course
1 Establishment of the Asian Community Course
1.1 Why an Asian Community Course?
1.2 The status of the course
2 Characteristics of the Funded Courses by Year
2.1 Characteristics of 2010
2.2 Characteristics of 2011
2.3 Characteristics of 2012
2.4 Characteristics of 2013
2.5 Characteristics of 2014
2.6 Characteristics of 2015
2.7 Characteristics of 2016
2.8 Characteristics of 2017
3 A list of the universities that hold the Asian Community Course
4 Holding the Asian Community Course
5 Asian Community Course-related documents
6 Documents related to Grant Lecture Applications and Scholarships
7 Asian Community Course-related publications
7.1 One Asia Foundation
7.2 Others relatining to the course on Asian Community
Chapter 4 One Asia Conventions
1 Staging and development of the One Asia Convention
1.1 Objective of holding the Convention
1.2 Cooperation with universities when holding the Convention
1.3 Decision period for holding a Convention
1.4 Keynote speech/roundtable activities
1.5 3 Sessions
1.6 Simultaneous interpretation
2 One Asia Convention Tokyo 2011
2.1 Characteristics of One Asia Convention Tokyo
2.2 Convention Tokyo ConventionProgram
3 One Asia Convention Incheon 2012
3.1 Characteristics of One Asia Convention Incheon
3.2 The Foundations’ Greeting at the Incheon Convention
3.3 Incheon ConventionProgram
4 One Asia Convention Bandung 2013
4.1 Characteristics of One Asia Convention Bandung
4.2 The Foundations' Greeting at the Bandung Convention
4.3 Bandung ConventionProgram
5 One Asia Convention Jeju 2014
5.1 Characteristics of One Asia Convention Jeju 2014
5.2 The Foundations' Greeting at the Jeju Convention
5.3 Jeju ConventionProgram
6 One Asia Convention Shanghai 201
6.1 Characteristics of One Asia Convention Shanghai
6.2 The Foundations’ Greeting at the Shanghai Convention
6.3 Shanghai ConventionProgram
7 One Asia Convention Phnom Penh 2016
7.1 Characteristics of One Asia Convention Phnom Penh
7.2 The Foundations’ Greeting at the Phnom Penh Convention
7.3 Phnom Penh Convention Program
CD: One Asia Foundation: Seven Years of Progress 2009?2016?
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